Ebola Virus

Ebola has become a national issue and a rising concern for many. According to KQED, even though Ebola originated in West Africa it has spread to the surrounding areas, and even to different countries. KQED also shared that ebola spreads through bodily functions and is transmitted through contact with the bodily functions. One of the most common ways of the Ebola being passed is when the family buries their loved one who has died of Ebola. Ebola is a major concern.EbolaSubmit2

 Ebola has killed 2,288 people already and if you receive Ebola, the chances of living through it are not very high KQED. Ebola is a virus that leads to intense and uncontrollable bleeding and attacks the immune system and organs.


I think we should help those in countries that do not have the supplies and resources to fight this virus. We have the medical support, technology, and knowledge to find a cure to Ebola. I believe that we should send medical personal to the places that need it the most to contain the virus in those countries. Hopefully we can help those who cannot help themselves with this virus.Unknown-1

Personal Training

The occupation I am interested in would be a personal trainer. A personal trainer is someone who works in a gym and helps people reach their fitness goals. A trainer works with people of all ages to get them in shape, loose weight, or even train for an athletic event that might be happening in a person’s life. They also might work with an athlete to get the in shape for their sport of choice and create workouts and exercises for the athlete to complete.

Weight Room

Fitness is very important and being in shape and healthy is key when it comes to being in this job occupation. The personal trainer sets an example for their client on dedication, drive, work ethic, and fitness. I am very interested in this job because heath and fitness are very important to me and I love working with people. I go to the gym often and enjoy a good tough workout. I like to motivate people and I am a very positive person that I think would be a positive attribute in being a personal trainer. I think working with people and helping them achieve their goal would be both rewarding for me, and my client. They also have their own hours and being a personal trainer they often manage and create their own hours.

Jordan Stovall lifting weights

To be able to pursue this career one would need to have a fitness certification (Aerobics and Fitness Association). You must get your bachelors degree in health or fitness field to be qualified to become a trainer. After those requirements, you must complete 20 ce hours within the following 2 years of getting your certification for being a personal trainer (International Sports Sciences Association). As a trainer you must always know what is going on currently with health and fitness because it is your job to keep your clients up to date with the latest news, stretches, and findings in the personal trainer realm (International Sports Sciences Association). You must also get your CPR and AED training incase something happens to a client when working with them (International Sports Sciences Association). I really enjoy working out and being in shape and I hope I can pursue this in the future. This job allows me to work with people and help them achieve a goal and I would love to be that person that can help others.

Gym Equipment

Gym Equipment

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