About Me

Name: Kelli Johnson

Grade: Senior class of 2015

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Food: Pasta

Favorite Starbucks Drink: Passion Tea Lemonade with Sweetener

Hello blog viewers,

          My name is Kelli Johnson, and I am a senior at Notre Dame High School in Belmont, California. I love to dance, sing, and listen to all kinds of music. On the weekends you can catch me shopping, hanging with friends, or if it’s sunny enough, outside hiking, walking my dog, laying by the pool, or just enjoying the sun! I chose to take Sports Med because health and fitness are very important to me and I can’t wait to learn all about the human body in regards to sports and activities. My expectations for this class is to come out knowing more about the human body, and with a better understanding of topics such as, human anatomy, systems of the body, injury prevention, and also what to do if someone is injured from various activities. I want this course to affect my life by teaching me the knowledge to help someone in need if they get hurt in a situation, and also to help me get a better understanding of what future jobs with this college major will be like. The most challenging part about this class, for me, will be learning all the new technology that this blended class will use throughout the year. I look forward to creating my blog, and hope you all enjoy it just as much as I do

my about me popplet

3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hey Kelli, I love the design and creativity of your blog! Starting off with the facts and collage in the beginning was such a good idea. However, I feel you could have gone more in depth about your reasons for taking sports medicine this year. Did you know that between the years 1991 and 2007, 113,000 adolescents were treated in US emergency rooms for dance related injuries? This is because adolescent dancers are getting more and more advanced while they are still developing and growing into their bodies (sciencedaily.com) I think that because you are a dancer, this class will be really helpful for you to prevent dance-related injuries.

    I love walking my dogs and hiking, too! Those are two of my favorite things to do to relax. I loved reading your homepage!

  2. Hi Kelli! I really love the color scheme of your blog, and how everything matches up. My favorite food is also pasta and I love passion tea lemonade too! I especially enjoyed looking at your popplet with the things that you like to do, I thought it was a really nice touch. I also like how you started with a few fun facts about yourself. I did think that you could have explained why you are apprehensive about using the technology in this blended course, but overall you had a really great description!

    I can’t wait to see what else you post on your blog!

  3. Hi Kelli, You’re blog is so much fun! I love your tone of voice when writing about your hobbies! I also love hiking with my dogs! Where do you hike with your dogs? How many do you have? The only thing I could think of that you could talk about is your expectations of fellow classmates. What do you expect from other people taking the same course as you? Let me know, I’d love to hear it. Overall, an amazing blog! I love the design and pictures. It is very obvious that you put lots of time and effort into this page! Hope to see more of your work soon! thanks for sharing!

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